NESLUŽBENI PODACI/ Objavljeni rezultati obdukcije tragično ubijene Lane Bijedić

After the autopsy of the body of the tragically injured Lana Bijedić was completed, preliminary unofficial information was released.

According to preliminary autopsy results, traces of multiple strokes have been found on LB’s lifeless body, especially in the head region. Also, cervical traces were found on the neck, “Josip Anicic, prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office of the County of West Herzegovina in Siroki Brijeg, told

Namely, after the murder, Lana Bijedić’s body was dumped in the Studenčica River in Studenci, and a secluded spot, just below the highway viaduct.

The autopsy was performed at the Bijeli Brijeg Mortuary in Mostar. Police officers from the West Herzegovina Canton continue to secure the crime scene, and investigators are still scouring the scene.

It was recalled that a fisherman was spotted in the river, who informed the police, and Mountain Service members were pulled from the river by rescue workers from Ljubuski and Citluk. So far, there are no leads that could lead to the killer.

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