Policija u SAD-u je intervenirala nakon što je naišla na dostavljača pizze kojem je, unatoč tome što je pješačio kroz snježnu oluju u jednom bogatom susjedstvu, ostavljena napojnica od samo 2 dolara (niti 2 eura). Dostavljač Connor Stephanoff iz Indiane snimljen je kako hoda po snijegu s pizzom u ruci, odlučan u namjeri da je dostavi kupcima.
Prema snimci koju je zabilježio poručnik Richard Craig iz policijske uprave Avon, dostavljač je vozio do lokacije, ali je posljednji dio puta morao prijeći pješice jer je školski autobus koji je sletio s ceste blokirao snijegom prekrivenu ulicu. Poručnik Craig, koji je bio prisutan kako bi pomogao stanovnicima u navigaciji opasnom cestom, savjetovao je dostavljaču da se skloni na sigurno.
Stephanoff je policajcu objasnio da je morao hodati kroz snijeg kako bi dovršio dostavu pizze u vrijednosti od 40 dolara. “Jesi li dobio dobru napojnicu?” upitao ga je Craig. Stephanoff je odgovorio: “Dva dolara.”
Vidno šokiran, Craig je rekao: “Dva dolara? Šalite se? Pogledajte ovog čovjeka. Ovaj čovjek je hodao kroz pakao kako bi dostavio pizzu.”
@officercraig $2 TIP SHOULD BE A CRIME! Whoever did this: #SHAMEFUL ROCKSTAR PIZZA HAS A ROCKSTAR DRIVER. (Brownsburg, IN.) This guy is a RARE breed. During today’s all day snowstorm, crashes and slideoffs were coming in near 30 calls an hour. This school bus had a minor crash. The bus slid backwards and sideways down a hill and gets stuck, blocking this neighborhood street, and making it completely impassable. The roads were so bad, it took us 20 min. to get 3-4 miles. THIS #DELIVERYDRIVER pulled up before officers arrived. The delivery was about 1/4 mile past where the bus was blocking the street. This young man did not allow this to discourage him. He didn’t call his manager to complain, he didn’t call the customer and tell them their $40 pizza order could not be delivered. Oh no. THIS MAN IS BUILT DIFFERENT. He would not be discouraged by the obstacles he was encountering, which included a 1/2 mile hike round trip in the cold, wet snow. He parked his vehicle at the top of the hill, got out, wearing grey sweats, Nikes, and NO COAT nor GLOVES. He grabbed this #RockstarPizza, and took off hiking thru the very cold, and wet snow with the pizza in tow. It was the beginning of his shift at 4:30p on a Friday afternoon, BUT he was determined this family got their pizza. This is in a more affluent neighborhood, and I’m sure he thought he would be rewarded properly for his RARE display of PRIDE and DEDICATION to his work- that is often times not seen by some of his generation. But more so, he wanted to ensure this family got their pizza to their door! So they did not have to leave the confines of their warm, comfortable, AND VERY NICE home. He got my attention as I see him walking in the middle of street after he made the delivery. I said outloud “what does this guy think he is doing?” As I initially thought he was a neighbor coming to “rubberneck” the crash. The bus driver told me he walked by once and was delivering a pizza. I didn’t believe that fully because what young pizza delivery guy in 2025 would do this??? None that I know! Not believing it completely, I hit RECORD and ask this young man. I was dumbfounded and in disbelief when he confirmed. But most of all – I was impressed- AND STILL AM! I’m proud to witness this firsthand. But my excitement and pride quickly turned to frustration when I asked him about his tip. WHO TIPS A GUY WHO RISKS EVERYTHING TO DRIVE FOOD TO YOUR DOOR LIKE THIS?? Let alone, gets out to hike it to you while every road was nearly impassable! I REALLY HOPE this algorithm is good enough that whomever DID THIS, SEES THIS! You should be ashamed of yourself whoever u are!! SHAME ON YOU. A $40 pizza delivered and a $2 tip! EVERYONE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD CAN AFFORD IT. AND IF THEY CANT, STOP ORDERING PIZZA YOU CANT AFFORD! After processing he only received $2, and what I just witnessed, I reached for my own wallet. To PAY THE TIP FOR SOMEONE THAT PROBABLY MAKES DOUBLE MY SALARY. But I did not want this young man discouraged. Unfortunately my wallet was in my Tahoe, which was at the top of the big hill. I quickly as I could chased him down up the hill giving him the little cash I had in my wallet. (About $15) HE DESERVED MUCH MORE. Not sure who this guy is, BUT IF YOU DO, PLZ TAG HIM, SHOW HIM SOME ❤️❤️❤️ AND GIVE HIM THE RECOGNITION HE DESERVES! Well done sir.🫡#IncredibleWork #Rockstar #Brownsburg #Indiana #delivery #Driver #snow #PizzaGuy #pizza @Dave Portnoy #LifeLawAndFootball #dedicated #workethic @Pat McAfee Show Clips ♬ original sound – Officer Craig
“Želio je biti siguran da ova obitelj dobije svoju pizzu”
Poručnik je naposljetku snimku dostavljača objavio na TikToku, a njegov video je postao viralan. Na društvenoj mreži Craig je ispričao još neke detalje o dostavljaču.
“Bio je početak njegove smjene u petak poslijepodne i bio je odlučan da ova obitelj dobije svoju pizzu”, napisao je. “Ovo je bogatije susjedstvo i siguran sam da je mislio da će biti nagrađen kako treba za ovakvu predanost poslu. Još važnije, želio je biti siguran da ova obitelj dobije svoju pizzu na vrata! Tako da ne moraju napuštati toplinu svog ugodnog doma”, napisao je Craig koji je dostavljaču naposljetku dao 15 dolara i pokrenuo GoFundMe kampanju.
U nekoliko dana skupilo se 16.000 dolara.
Rockstar Pizza, poslodavac mladog dostavljača, oglasio se na Facebooku: “Mislim da ono što ovu priču čini dirljivom jest to što smo svi mi koji smo nekada radili ovaj posao bili u Connorovoj situaciji. Uložili smo više nego što bi itko ikad mogao tražiti, a trud nije bio cijenjen. Da nije bilo policajca Craiga, ovo bi bio samo još jedan radni dan za Connora. Od srca hvala što ste pokazali Connoru toliko ljubavi i podrške.”
Objava Hodao po snježnoj oluji da dostavi pizzu pa mu dali 2 dolara: Umiješao se policajac pojavila se prvi puta na PressMedia.